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JamesAaron's Favorite Quotes

shawnpat7 4 hours 10 min ago Final shout out #Aaronstevens4444 #Sharonpat7777 My best friend. My brother. My lover. I love you so much. Every second I get with you is always so much fun! #larisasbigboobs #illuminati < 3 aaronstevens4444 that 4444 stands for the number of things I am going to do to you. Give me a few weeks and Ill show you. I dont need to talk about it bc baby you are getting the real deal. But let me give u a sneak peak. Lets just say my male parts just died and Im going to bury it in your back side, did you sit on a pile of sugar baby bc you have a pretty sweet ass -#shawnpat7

Be careful with your blog title it's not clear enough and might confuse people and start a pointless blog fight because they are babies, i think you might wanna explain in great length what you meant by "ball sack" because some might not understand what you meant and get extremely cunty with you, i would be careful if i were you you don't know what to expect with these people!

Sent by Etienne,Mar 29, 2015

"This lighting is so weird, it makes me look like i have half of an eyebrow” - Marcusn417

nah nobody is calling me out karmasutra if you actually had a brain you would have understood my blog (if you even read it) instead of getting stuck at the title and arguing about semantics like a grammar freak, if you did read my blog you would know i never once said that rape in prison did not exist, sorry you are so butthurt that i used the word myth and i'm not going to change it lol

Sent by Etienne,Mar 29, 2015

[5/3/15, 11:42:12 PM] #BengalBoy: who needs sunlight, when you're so bright already :*

bowkane 3 hours 26 min ago

last one for now....#aaronstevens4444 "my man". :P we will eventually meet one day and have a blast. you're a cool guy and you like me so thats always a plus I suppose. :) youre snapchat stories are boring though. xD

[4/8/15, 1:02:47 PM] Ryan: Youre so good at maths

[4/8/15, 1:02:51 PM] Ryan: go get a job in it

[4/8/15, 1:02:57 PM] Ryan: seeing as you don't have one

[10/3/13 6:43:28 PM] Aarom Stevens: can you.......

[10/3/13 6:43:33 PM] Aarom Stevens: be my :S

[10/3/13 6:43:42 PM] Aarom Stevens: valentine?........

[10/3/13 6:43:48 PM] underwzc - Zach: (heart) sure

[10/3/13 6:44:01 PM] underwzc - Zach: I'd be honored (inlove)

[10/23/13 12:12:38 AM] Aidan/ados707: You need to have the right balance if having fun with fries

[10/23/13 12:12:40 AM] Aidan/ados707: Friends

[10/23/13 12:12:48 AM] Aaron Stevens: fries LOOOOOOL

Your intelligence levels

Jul 30, 2014 by Thirteen

are at an all time low. #aaronstevens4444

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